Quite the Contrary - Non Responsive Websites Usually Work
Media Queries are a hack!?
424 words
Media Queries are a hack!?
341 words
One of the ways to set yourself apart from others is to create value for yourself and learn how to extend that value by learning and doing new things constantly, as a matter of fact it should be a routine part of our lives.
1,249 words
Installing the Apache server coupled with PHP 5 can sometimes be a daunting task simply because open source technologies are always changing with newer releases, patches, etc, etc.
500 words
Hardware and software are the two keys to computing, they exist side by side. The main difference between the two is that the manufacturing of hardware is extremely costly and the barrier of entry will cost you quite a sum of money.
553 words
Abraham Lincoln, the founding father of this country began his carrier by forging political relationships. He was a great communicator and recognized early in his career that words have a powerful impact on people