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Ahad Bokhari

481 words

On Shipping Working Software

Oct 30, 2016  ·

It's not easy shipping good software, it takes alot of thought, planning and effort. Good thing is you can learn the essential skills to craft working software

1142 words

Angular 2 vs. React

Oct. 24, 2016  ·

Comparing Angular 2 to the React ecosytem by taking a deeper dive into each technology's advantages & disadvantages. Note, these two hold the most market value; surprisingly jQuery still takes third place in popularity and value

Mix { ... } / 1200 words

Asynchronous JavaScript

Oct. 12, 2016  ·

A recollection of different asynchronous techniques in modern day and future JavaScript with some examples (callbacks, Promises, async, generators) to reflect upon

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Thoughts on TypeScript

Oct. 02, 2016  ·

I was surprised to see myself like alot of what TypeScript has to offer, but pondered over the disruption it could cause to vanilla ECMAScript driven JavaScript if communities chose to adopt and embrace it

367 words

CommonJS Require vs ES6 Import

Sept. 24, 2016  ·

CommonJs's require syntax will be around for a while, but will we see ES6 modules in Node.js. Explore a little history as you go forth...

255 words

Lesser Known Github Repositories & Node Modules You Should Know About

Sept. 11, 2016  ·

Selected repositories and modules that you can easily reason about and build more advanced things upon. Some docs as well :)

305 words

Some Coding Lessons

August 22, 2016  ·

Be a more productive coder by understanding these principles and trying to apply them to your craft on an everyday basis

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IIAF - Immediately Invoked Arrow Function

July 23, 2016  ·

A common pattern seen in ES5 were IIFE's, but this pattern isn't dead in ES6 which introduces the IIAF

268 words

Pumpers and Dumpers

July 02, 2016  ·

An annoying behavior seen by internet users to gain the appearance of popularity on any given social platform

473 words

A 21 Point Path to JavaScript Progression

June 13, 2016  ·

Master the language you love and have fun while you do. Most of all have patience / fun while you strive for constant improvement. Don't rush...

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ES6 - Arrays

June 05, 2016  ·

Exploring some very useful smaller additions to ES6's array.prototype.

850 words

Modern JavaScript Madness

May 22, 2016  ·

JavaScript fatigue

356 words

Some Laws of Software Development

May 12, 2016  ·

Looking at a handful of fundamental principles which can be used to understand and stay aware of phenomena in software development

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ES6 - Modules

April 26, 2016  ·

The beginnings of modules native to the browser environment is one of the most exciting ex6 features. Here are the basics

160 words


April 21, 2016  ·

A gem of a term I discovered earlier that addresses the arguments developers make over little things just because they know enough to do so